Black rice, forbidden rice (Oryza Sativa Indica) that is gaining high popularity nowadays for its high nutritional value and a higher level of antioxidants. It is so-called forbidden rice or emperor’s rice because it was reserved by autocracy in ancient china. Black rice being rarer and more nutritious as compared to other types makes it more special hundreds of years for Chinese medicine even though it’s no longer for royals.

It is also known as purple rice as it is rich in anthocyanin pigment, the same antioxidant pigment that gives eggplants and blackberries their deep color.

There are almost 20 varieties of black rice known with the same qualities and importance. In the context of Nepal, kalabati, kalabhat , chak Hao, and burma rice are some well-known varieties. Other varieties include Black japonica rice developed in California, Chinese black rice developed in Zhezhians in northern china.

Black rice is not as easy to grow as other rice varieties as it only yields about 10% of the harvest that other rice varieties do which was the reason for its expensiveness and initially being reserved only for the richest of the rich which meant Chinese royalty at the time as it was discovered.

Cultivation method/ nature of black rice :

For the preparation of the Nursery field of black rice in a one-acre area, we should initially take about 5-5.5 kgs of seed. As it is rare to find seed may worth up to Npr 800-1000 per kg, the nursery field should be well irrigated for 1/2 days for better seed germination and then after should go for seed cultivation.

As the cultivation to harvesting period takes for 140-165 days i.e.5-6 months, cultivation should be done by 15th-20th of May such that copping patterns for wheat would not be disturbed. Thus seed should go for germination between 20-25th of April for a good return from the seed.

The seed germination needs cool soil temperature and the seed should be transplanted to the main field after 25-30 days of cultivation. The more delay in transplantation leads to weakening of plants and also tiller and qualities of rice may decrease.

Black rice can easily be grown in less water. And it doesn’t need any inorganic surplus manures as it can be better suited by vermicompost for better yield.

Black rice starts its flowering after 85-115 days of transplanting to the main field. The plants change their color-changing phenomenon as green at the beginning followed by pale yellow and finally to Red. Pruning of rice just before the flowering stage can be great as it increases tillering of rice along with more branches and more grains.

The plant can rise to a height of 6ft. Such height creates a strong frame to the plant and thus protects the plant during storms and heavy rainfall.

With good organic manures, quality seeds, and better plantation one can yield about 10 quintals of rice in a one-acre field after 5-6 months. It is black at the time of harvesting and once cooked it turns purple.

Healths benefits :

The popularity of black rice in the present scenario is only because of the health benefits it possesses. It is the highest in antioxidant activity and contains more protein than brown rice. As such eating, it may offer several health benefits including boosting eye and heart health, protecting against certain forms of cancer and aiding weight loss.

Black rice, the one and only rice to have anthocyanin (an anticancer pigment) which is known to be cancer-fighting, is beneficial for cardiovascular and inflammatory conditions. Anthocyanin pigment helps to protect our cells from damage. Furthermore, animal, test tube, and population studies have shown that eating food higher in anthocyanin may help protect from chronic diseases including heart diseases, obesity, and some forms of cancer.

Research shows that black rice contains over 23 types of antioxidants and is the highest activity among all varieties including 18 different amino acids in it. Such antioxidants help to protect the cells in the eyes and to reduce the effect of UV radiation. Antioxidants like flavonoids and carotenoids are also found in black rice which is meant for influencing blood sugar levels and diabetes management.

Black rice is naturally gluten-free and can be a good option for those with celiac diseases or gluten sensitivity; gluten is a type of protein and is found in cereal grains such as wheat, barley, and rye.

Compared to other types, black rice is one of the highest in protein as it gives 9 grams of protein compared to 7 grams for brown rice as per 100 grams. Black rice contains more vitamin B and E, niacin, calcium, magnesium, iron, and zinc compared to others. It is extremely rich in fibers.

A 1/4 cup(45 grams) of uncooked black rice provides:

Calories : 160

Fat          : 1.5gram

Protein   : 4 gram

Carbs     : 34 gram

Fibers     : 1 gram

Iron        : 6% of all DV

Despite all the benefits it has some negative parts too. Black rice disintegrates on prolonged cooking due to exceptionally high amylopectin content. Hence Chinese black rice is never milled and always cooked with a seed coat or hull intact. The consumption of black rice is highly influenced by sweet taste, chewiness, starchy, consistency, and retention of nutrients. Apart from it, it is also used in Zhejiang variety vinegar making which is not aged in oak barrels but is stored in jars.

It is one of the expensive items that cannot be afforded by the general public.

Cooking can also be troublesome for 70-80 minutes.

Black rice in Nepal :

In Nepal, it is a new crop and some of the farmers in mid-hill across the Kathmandu periphery are trying this crop. The first commercial production of black rice in Nepal started in bhakunde besi of Kavre in 2013/14.

G60 black rice was produced for the first time in Sindhupalchok district in 2016 while black rice was introduced some five years ago in Dang district.