The agriculture sector is the major contributor to our country’s economy. Around 26.5 percent of the gross domestic product(GDP) is contributed by the agriculture sector in the fiscal year 2020/21. According to the census of 2068 B.S. about 60.4 % of people in Nepal are engaged in Agriculture. In Nepal, 30,91,000 hectares of fertile land is used for agriculture whereas 10,30,000 hectares of fertile land are left barren. Around 3.8 million families are engaged in agriculture. Although, the main profession of our country is farming we are still limited to subsistence level with very low productivity and much more reliant on imports. This pandemic has shown people as well as the government the importance of self-sufficiency in terms of agricultural commodities. It has forecasted the need for more sustainable and resilient farming practices than traditional and subsistence farming in the very future. There are huge opportunities for sustainable agriculture with modern techniques which can lead to better returns rather than depending upon the cheaper imports from India, by establishing models for the equitable market, our country can become more self-sufficient.
At present, youth manpower empowered with technical and practical-based knowledge can lead to a sustainable type of agricultural farming with a high potential of high productivity and returns. And hence youths who are regarded as one of the most important resources of a country should be properly mobilized for an effective and sustainable farming system. Sustainable agriculture is the production of different agricultural and livestock goods along with the protection of the environment, human and animal health. Not only this, but it also focuses on the microorganism and their role in the environment. This farming system is now getting popularity and more in practice due to the increasing adverse effect caused in the environment by the conventional agricultural practice where high synthetic chemicals are used. They affect soil fertility, outbreak the new pest & diseases and simultaneously affect the health of humans and animals. Hence, the need for Sustainable agriculture is high in the context of Nepal.
Sustainable agriculture has three main goals:
1.Healthy environment
2.Economic Profitability
3.Social and Economic equity
Organic agriculture and Sustainable agriculture are sometimes taken synonymously because both of these systems use more ecologically sensible practices but both of them are different in many sets of standards. There are many ecological-based practices performed in sustainable agriculture such as crop rotation, management of water for irrigation, more use of renewable resources, the inclusion of agroforestry system, promotion of crop diversity, integrated pest management, permaculture, and many more. As mentioned, these practices help to promote and conserve the natural environment along with the production of agricultural products. When a tree is planted along with the crops then it creates a favorable microclimate which promotes a healthy environment for crops. Similarly, trees work as a barrier for controlling the high velocity of wind and rainfall to protect crops. Crop diversity not only maintains healthy soil but also reduces the risk of crop failure to farmers. Crop rotation is one of the most important practices to overcome the problem of soil fertility loss. Plantation of the leguminous crop is highly recommended as they can fix the atmospheric nitrogen. They also prevent the transmission of disease to some extent. Since conventional agriculture makes use of a lot of non-renewable and synthetic inputs which affect soil fertility including human and animal health and hence to solve these problems sustainable agriculture emerges as the best system.
Here let’s discuss some of the importance of sustainable agriculture.
1. Maintain soil fertility:
As compared to conventional farming which makes use of heavy equipment and synthetic fertilizer, sustainable agriculture focuses on the nourishment of soil fertility by using ecological-based practices like planting cover crops. These crops protect and maintain soil health by reducing soil erosion, replenishing the soil nutrients, and prevents the growth of undesirable weeds. Soil microbes help in the degradation of organic matter and nutrient transformations. Similarly, crop rotation helps in regenerating soil nutrients.
2.Preservation of environment:
Sustainable agriculture works in harmony with the environment as they don’t rely on harmful fertilizer and chemical. They promote the natural environment and protect biodiversity, ecosystem, watershed, and maintain water quality from harmful chemicals. It gives more emphasis on natural productivity by relying on the regenerative aspects of the natural environment like the reclamation of land, rebuilding soil organic matter, etc.
3.Protection of public health:
The production of agricultural products should not bring negative impacts on human and animal health. Since these agricultural practices do not promote the use of industrial-made synthetic harmful inputs, there will be no problem with chemical residue on the foods we consume. Also, animals are raised without the use of any synthetic chemicals. Hence it promotes the health of humans and animals.
4.Management of water:
Water is important agricultural input without which no practice can be performed. Sustainable agriculture practices like drip irrigation and mulching help to conserve the water. Sustainable agriculture involves a wide range of agricultural practices like rainwater harvesting, wastewater recycling, and balance consumptive water use. Also, it protects the water from a different kind of pollution by controlling surface erosion, chemical leaching, and runoff.
5.Create sustainable communities:
Sustainable agriculture encourages the resurgence of small farms. These small farms operated by family members are the strength of the rural community. Sustainable agricultural practices like the use of more renewable resources, save scarce resources of the community and reducing the use of synthetic chemicals lead to creating sustainable and favorable communities. When healthy practices are performed in agriculture then it will create sustainable communities which will benefit everyone living there.
6.Production of healthy food:
Food in this farming system is produced without the use of any harmful chemical inputs. This sustainable food lowers the carbon footprint which was produced by different conventional practices like the use of synthetic chemicals and burning of fossil fuel (Nonrenewable resource). Hence sustainable practices like recycling of resources, optimum water usage, leaving no chemical residue, etc. helps to produce healthy and tastier fruits and vegetables. Similarly, animals are also raised without the use of any growth hormones and non-therapeutic antibiotics. Hence healthier animal food is produced.
In today’s world, we have many types of farming systems that have their own merits and demerits. Among all the available systems, Sustainable agriculture ensures eco-conservation excluding all the possible hazardous effects in either of biotic or abiotic component of the ecosystem and promotion of farming system from subsistence level to the commercial level.